Criminal Law

Dedicated To Your Defence

At Edmonton’s Raponi Rideout Jordan, we take criminal charges seriously. We understand that you’re facing penalties that can permanently affect your life which is why we’re committed to providing you with the best possible defence. Our team of driven, organized and skilled lawyers recognizes the unique complexities of each client’s case and is dedicated to their comprehensive representation.

We leverage our decades of experience across Alberta to navigate the legal system and provide each client that we serve with personalized service. Whether you are facing charges related to theft, assault, drugs, impaired driving, sexual assault, or any other criminal matter, rest assured that we will fight for you.

An Experienced Approach To Defending Criminal Charges

When working with a lawyer at Raponi Rideout Jordan, you can be confident that you’re receiving personalized attention and a vigorous defence in court. We believe in the importance of working as a team and will combine our years of experience and expertise to fight for you with determination and integrity. Simply put, our goal is to work towards achieving the best possible outcome and we will do what it takes to get there.

We defend all forms of criminal charges including:

  • Drug charges– Trafficking, importation, grow operations, possession for the purpose of trafficking, proceeds of crime.
  • Assault charges– Assault with a weapon and assault causing bodily harm
  • Sexual assault charges– Sexual assault, pornography, indecent exposure, sexual touching, etc.
  • Fraud and theft charges– Credit card fraud, theft from employer, breach of trust, shoplifting, identity theft, and possession of stolen property.
  • Weapons charges– Prohibited and restricted weapons and firearms, careless storage, possession contrary to the public peace, pointing or discharging a firearm.

Contact Us For Your Consultation

The first step to take when facing a criminal charge is to contact an experienced lawyer. We’re here to listen, to answer your questions and to work together towards a solution. We know that what you’re experiencing is difficult and are here to provide you with cost-effective legal services that you can depend on. Contact us today by calling us at 780-429-1010 or email us to book an initial consultation.

Contact Our Office

Suite 1200 Phipps McKinnon Bld, 10020 – 101A Avenue
Edmonton, AB T5J 3G2
Edmonton Law Office Map

For questions regarding Wills, Personal Injury or Real Estate, please contact our Southside office.

4107 – 99 Street
Edmonton, AB T6E 3N4
Map & Directions

Find Out What We Can Do For You

We are here to answer your questions, address your concerns, and provide you with legal advice that you can count on.